District Court of Western Australia

Perth Contacts

This is the address for the Perth Registry of the District Court. Further contact details are provided for other Registries and for people in the Perth Registry who can assist you with specific queries.

500 Hay Street
Phone: (08) 9425 2128

Building Hours: 8:30am to 5pm

Registry Hours: 9am to 4pm

After Hours - Emergency Only: (08) 6330 4033

Location Map

Criminal & Civil Enquiries

Email: districtcourt@justice.wa.gov.au

Transcript Enquiries

Parties to criminal proceedings will normally be provided with a copy of the transcript free of charge. A party to civil proceedings must make a written request to obtain a copy of the transcript.

People who are not parties to proceedings must submit a written request to the Principal Registrar setting out the reasons why they seek to obtain a copy of a transcript. The Principal Registrar will then determine whether or not it is appropriate.

Transcript Fees are pursuant to District Court (Fees) Regulations of 2002.

Telephone: (08) 9425 2128

Email: courttranscriptdc@justice.wa.gov.au

Last updated: 23-Jan-2025

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