eLodgment enables members of the legal profession and other approved organisations and Government departments to lodge documents at the various court registries and pay court fees online. Sealed service copies are available online to the lodging party.
Once a civil action has been commenced most other documents can also be filed by eLodgment, including enforcement proceedings.
Since 4 July 2016 the Court has enabled eLodgment, and has moved to an eFile. The Court, in conjunction with the Supreme Court, has mandated eLodgment as at 1 March 2018. It is compulsory for lawyers to use the eLodgment system to file documents in the civil jurisdiction of the Court.
At this stage it is not compulsory for self-represented litigants to file documents by eLodgment.
There is a limited number of exceptions to compulsory eLodgment.
All lawyers must register for eLodgment, and so access the benefits of eLodgment.
eLodgment is authorised by rules of the various courts – see Frequently Asked Questions, Where is eLodgment Authorised?
Registered users access to eLodgment.
Last updated: 9-Aug-2019
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